Why stomach cancer cases are rising in India?

Why stomach cancer cases are rising in India?

Understanding the Surge of Stomach Cancer in India


Stomach cancer, known as gastric cancer, has witnessed a concerning surge in India's health landscape. This article delves into the factors contributing to this rise and sheds light on crucial preventive measures.


Exploring the Escalation of Stomach Cancer in India

Stomach cancer, also termed gastric cancer, has emerged as the fifth most prevalent cancer among males and seventh among females in India. Notably, it stands as the second most common cause of cancer-related fatalities globally.


Factors Influencing the Rise in Stomach Cancer Cases

Dietary Patterns and Lifestyle Choices

India's inclination towards spicy and preserved foods, coupled with alcohol consumption, stands as a significant factor fuelling the upsurge in stomach cancer cases. Experts attribute the higher incidence rates to unique dietary practices prevalent in various regions.


Demographics and Lifestyle

Individuals above 11 years, particularly men, face a higher risk due to lifestyle habits like increased smoking and alcohol consumption. Geographical areas endorsing spicier and saltier diets also show elevated occurrences.


Insights from Medical Professionals

Dr Harish Verma's Perspective

Dr Harish Verma,Surgical oncologist doctor in Gurugram, emphasizes lifestyle links to stomach cancer. He notes the disease's prevalence among men, stressing the role of unhealthy habits.


Understanding Potential Causes

Dr Harish Verma, Senior Consultant Surgical Oncology at Marengo Asia Hospitals, Gurugram, highlights multifaceted factors contributing to gastric cancer. These include smoking, alcohol, and infections like Helicobacter pylori.


Key Indicators and Treatment Outlook

Detecting Stomach Cancer

Recognizing symptoms like persistent abdominal pain, weight loss, and blood in stool is crucial for early detection. Timely screenings are vital for high-risk individuals.



Prognosis and Treatment


Stomach cancer prognosis varies, and late-stage diagnoses contribute to higher mortality rates. Multimodality treatments involving surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy are imperative.


Tackling the Issue: The Way Forward

Lifestyle Modifications for Prevention

Experts advocate dietary improvements, promoting fresh fruits and vegetables while minimizing processed foods. Lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake, and regular check-ups are crucial preventive measures.


Addressing the Core Concerns

Improving dietary habits and avoiding preserved foods, coupled with lifestyle adjustments, are essential steps in curbing stomach cancer prevalence.


In conclusion, understanding the surge in stomach cancer cases in India requires a multifaceted approach encompassing lifestyle modifications, early detection, and concerted efforts towards healthier living. Awareness and proactive measures can significantly mitigate the prevalence of this concerning health issue.